The Football Players Health Study is working on prevention, diagnostics, and treatment strategies for the most common and severe conditions affecting professional football players. We are focused on the integrated health of football players, not solely one concern or condition. Our work is supporting the development of innovative research, working to transform discovery into therapeutic interventions and preventives. We actively solicit community input to inform our research process.
We are the largest Study of living former players, with more than 4,500 participants. We are a comprehensive study that is examining multiple health concerns – in essence, becoming a “home” study for all former players. We are working to use the collective knowledge of former players and scientists and translate it into action, which will lead to improving the quality of life for football players. Our study is player-led and player-supported, and we share results and new discoveries with you, the former players. We are not directed by any external agencies, and as a university we maintain independence and report the facts.
Sharing results with the community is a core foundation of our study, as our objective is to help players have the information to make the best decisions about their health. As we are looking at how health changes over time, continued participation in the Study is critical so that we can continue to produce results and interventions to benefit former players.
Our first Health and Wellness Questionnaire (Q1) is open to all former players. By enrolling in Q1, you may become eligible for other research studies within our initiative. As we expand our research studies and address specific conditions and patterns, we will let you know what you may be eligible for. Please visit the Participate page or contact our study staff to get started.
Your privacy and confidentiality are extremely important to the Football Players Health Study team. All the information that you share will be de-identified and stored separately from all of your contact information in secure Harvard University databases. The questionnaire does not include your name but is labeled with a code. Only a small number of trained study staff will be able to link your name to your code. When study results are shared, only group results will be presented.
The study team has also obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality issued by the National Institutes of Health. This is an important protection used when collecting sensitive information and adds special protection for the research information that may identify you. With this, the study team may not disclose information that may identify you, even under a court order or subpoena, unless you give permission.
As a research institution, our Study operates under the Office of Research Integrity at Harvard University.
The study team has also obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality issued by the National Institutes of Health. This is an important protection used when collecting sensitive information and adds special protection for the research information that may identify you. With this, the study team may not disclose information that may identify you, even under a court order or subpoena, unless you give permission.
Only a limited number of Harvard University researchers have access to the information you share with us. Your personal information will not be shared with the NFLPA or any other organization or entity. We are not a part of current lawsuits or settlements. We are not a part of any insurance plans, and all information you share is separate from your medical records.
The Study was developed by players, for players. It began in 2014 in part through an award from the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA). The Study largely utilizes funds allocated for research by the collective bargaining agreement. Many of the resources utilized by this initiative are shared across supporting Harvard institutions. In 2022, the study received five years of new funding through the NFLPA.
Harvard’s study is an independent research study. The research is not directed by the NFL, NFLPA, or any other stakeholder, nor do any of these organizations exercise control over the research direction, findings, or recommendations.
Other than advancing the scientific understanding of player health, Harvard University and our researchers do not gain any financial or other benefits from conducting this study. You can find information about research integrity and compliance at Harvard Medical School on the Office for Academic and Research Integrity’s website.
We will contact you for research opportunities, events, results, and other important study news. Your contact information is confidential, and we will not distribute your contact information to anyone outside the study or a collaborator without your explicit consent.