Join more than 4,500 former NFL players who have already participated in the largest study of living former NFL Players. No matter what position you played, how many seasons, or what health challenges you face – we need everyone to make the study a success.
Sign up by filling out the contact form.
We’ll send you information on ways you can participate.
Have questions? Call us at 617.432.5000 or email us.
If you are a current partner of a current or former NFL player and are looking to participate in Family Experiences Managing Football Lives (FEM-FL), please use our FEM-FL sign up form.
Your privacy and confidentiality are extremely important to the Football Players Health Study team. All the information that you share will be de-identified (removing names and other identifiable information) and stored separately from all of your contact information in secure Harvard University databases. The questionnaires do not include your name, but are labeled with a code. Only a small number of trained study staff will be able to link your name to your code. When study results are shared, only de-identified results will be presented.
The study team has also obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality issued by the National Institutes of Health. This is an important protection used when collecting sensitive information and adds special protection for the research information that may identify you. With this, the study team cannot disclose information that may identify you, even under a court order or subpoena, unless you give permission.
The NFLPA has no role in the design and conduct of our research; in the collection, management, analysis and interpretation of the data; in the preparation, review or approval of manuscripts, or in the decision to submit manuscripts for publication.
You can find information about research integrity and compliance on Harvard Medical School on the Office for Academic and Research Integrity’s website.
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Have questions or ideas to share with us?
Email players@footballplayershealth.harvard.edu or call 617.432.5000.