Aaron L. Baggish
Senior Faculty

Aaron L. Baggish is a professor of medicine at the University of Lausanne, senior faculty member at the Football Players Health Study, and former director of Massachusetts General Hospital’s Cardiovascular Performance Program, which provides comprehensive cardiac care to athletes. His research interests include exercise-induced cardiac remodeling, pre-participation screening/sudden death prevention, and the cardiovascular effects of anabolic steroid use. His research group, the Harvard Athlete Initiative, conducted the first blinded comparison of competitive athlete screening with and without 12-lead ECG screening (Annals of Internal Medicine, 2010). Baggish was the lead author on the RACER Study, a decade-long effort designed to examine sudden death during long-distance running events (New England Journal of Medicine, 2012). He currently maintains independent research funding from the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association, the National Football League Players Association, and the Department of Defense.
Teams: Leadership Team, Research Team