Scott L. Rauch
Research Advisor

Scott L. Rauch received his undergraduate degree with honors in neuroscience from Amherst College and attended medical school at the University of Cincinnati. He completed his residency training in psychiatry as well as a radiology research fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Rauch served for many years as associate chief of psychiatry for neuroscience research at MGH, where he was the founding director of the Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Program and the MGH Division of Psychiatric Neuroscience Research and Neurotherapeutics. Currently, he is president, psychiatrist-in-chief, and Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Chair of Psychiatry at McLean Hospital, as well as chair of Partners Psychiatry and Mental Health. He holds an appointment as professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He has received numerous honors, including the 2004 Joel Elkes Award for outstanding contributions in translational research within psychiatry.
Team: Research Advisors